• In: Training | On: Sep 30, 2020

Acronym Soup


If you’re not that familiar with codes such as API and ASME you may be puzzled by some of the acronyms they use.


Here’s a handy list from the WILKINSON COUTTS Plant Inspection Guide.


ACoP Approved code of practice
AI Authorised inspector (ASME)
AST Atmospheric storage tank
AUT Automated ultrasonic testing
CDTP Cold differential test pressure
CDW Controlled-deposition welding
CML Condition measuring location
COF Consequence of failure
CP Competent Person/Cathodic protection
CRA Corrosion risk assessment
CTP Critical thickness profile reading
CUI Corrosion under insulation
DAC Defect acceptance criteria
DM Damage mechanism
DP Design pressure
ECT Eddy current testing
EIC Environmentally induced cracking
FCA Anticipated future material loss
FCAW Flux-cored arc welding
FFS Fitness for service
FOS Factor of safety
FRP Fibre-reinforced plastic
GMAW Gas metal arc welding
GML General metal loss
GTAW Gas tungsten arc welding
HAZ Heat affected zone
HIC Hydrogen induced cracking
HSE Health and safety executive (UK)
HTHA High temperature hydrogen attack
ID Inside diameter
IOW Integrity operating window
ITP Inspection and test plan
LDC Limit load of damaged component
LOWT Loss of wall thickness
LT Long term
LTA Locally thinned area
LUC Limit load of undamaged component
MAOP Maximum allowable operating pressure
MAWP Maximum allowable working pressure
MDMT Minimum design metal temperature
MDR Manufacturers data report
MFL Magnetic flux leakage
MMS Maintenance management system
MOC Management of change
MRT Minimum required thickness
MTR Material test report
NACE National association of corrosion engineers
NDE Non-destructive examination
NII Non-intrusive inspection
NPS Nominal pipe size
OD Outside diameter
PCC Post construction code
PI Pipeline inspector
PID Process and instrumentation diagram
PMI Positive material identification
POD Probability of detection
POF Probability of failure
PQR Procedure qualification record
PRD Pressure relieving device
PRV Pressure relief valve
PSSR Pressure system safety regulations
PT/MT Penetrant testing/magnetic testing
PTR Point thickness reading
PTW Permit to work
PWHT Post weld heat treatment
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
RBI Risk-based inspection
RCM Reliability centred maintenance
RL Remnant life
RP Recommended practice
RPB Release prevention barrier
RPS Release prevention system
RSF Remaining strength factor
RT Radiographic testing
SAI Soil-air interface
SAW Submerged arc welding
SBP Small bore pipework
SCC Stress corrosion cracking
SI System International (of units)
SI Source inspector
SMAW Shielded metal arc welding
SMYS Specified minimum yield strength
SOHIC Stress oriented hydrogen induced cracking
SPV Simple pressure vessel
TML Thickness measurement location
TOFD Time of flight diffraction
TSS Total suspended solids
USCS United States customary system (of units)
UT Ultrasonic testing
UTS Ultimate tensile strength
VT Visual testing
WPQ Welder performance qualification
WPS Weld procedure specification
WSE Written scheme of examination

Win an API 580/577 e-learning course and Plant Inspector Guidebook